Professor Emeritus at the New England College of Optometry and Children’s Vision Massachusetts (CVMA) Co-Chair, Bruce Moore, OD, co-authored the joint statement, entitled “The Relationship between Visual Acuity and Refractive Error in the Context of Preschool Vision Screening Using Instrument-Based Technology” which was recently published in the January edition of Optometry and Vision Science. The Position Statement’s guidance will be crucial for state/local departments of public health and education, primary pediatric medical providers, educators, service organizations, and volunteer screening organizations who engage in vision screening services in a health or public health capacity.
In the journal’s Letter to the Editor entitled “The Power of Consensus for Children’s Vision“, the authors, along with Kira Baldonado, BS, Vice-President of Public Health and Policy at Prevent Blindness, explain the Position Statement was written “to rectify the misconception that a child’s visual acuity can be determined from an instrument-derived estimate of refractive error obtained from a vision screening. The recent increase in the use of automated vision screening instruments has led to confusion regarding the proper method of documenting vision screening results.”
The five organizations and professional associations endorsing the Position Statement call for uniformity – of practices in screenings, training of screening personnel, systems, and collaboration across all screening and eye health organizations – to ensure that all children have access to and receive quality screenings and eye examinations.
To read the full Position Statement, click here.