
2018 See America Press Release

                                      Prevent Blindness Northeast Region Sets Its Sights on Hidden Gems Across the United States

                     Prevent Blindness Northeast Region launches initiative to Educate Consumers about the Importance of Healthy Vision

                                                                          and Remind them of the Wonderful Gift of Sight


Boston, Massachusetts (Oct. 22, 2018) — Prevent Blindness Northeast Region and Prevent Blindness today announced its new, bold campaign—See America’s Hidden Gems. Through this initiative, the organization sets out to celebrate life’s little joys, make eye health a priority from coast to coast, and increase awareness of the diseases and conditions that can cause preventable blindness.

Prevent Blindness Northeast Region is putting forth See America’s Hidden Gems—encouraging individuals throughout the country to celebrate the people, places, and things that they marvel at each day, to recognize and appreciate their gift of sight, and to prioritize proactive eye care. Consumers are invited to post a photo of what is most important to them on the website,, or post on social media using #EyeSeeAmerica.

Showcasing these gems on an interactive map on the program’s website, people can travel coast-to-coast through photos. Visitors can read up on eye health, learn more about the Prevent Blindness mission, join in on social media, and donate.

Vision plays a direct role in a child’s development, learning readiness, and future graduation rates.  Healthy vision also supports an adult’s ability to be productive and a senior’s ability to live independently. According to the recent Prevent Blindness study, “The Future of Vision, Forecasting the Prevalence and Costs of Vision Problems,” vision impairment and blindness in the United States is projected to grow by approximately 150% by 2050, while the population with glaucoma and AMD will double from 2010 to 2050.1

“When you learn how many people are affected by vision loss from preventable causes, you can’t help but want to get involved and evoke change,” said Paulette Tattersall, Director of Prevent Blindness Northeast Region and Co-Chair of Children’s Vision Massachusetts. “We hope that through this fun, interactive program, we can inspire everyone to take a moment to appreciate all that healthy vision adds to our quality of life and make a commitment to take care of their eyes today to protect vision for tomorrow.”

McCann Health, part of McCann Worldgroup and the Interpublic Group (NYSE: IPG), is supporting Prevent Blindness through the See America program, bringing together a passion for making vision care more accessible and an unwavering commitment to the future of America’s eyesight. McCann Health and Prevent Blindness are providing individuals with the tools and knowledge they need to protect their sight for a lifetime.

To learn more about the initiative, submit a gem of your own, and prioritize your vision, visit 


About Prevent Blindness Northeast Region and Children’s Vision Massachusetts

Prevent Blindness Northeast Region is part of Prevent Blindness, the nation’s leading volunteer eye health and safety organization, serving the states of Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont.  Focused on promoting a continuum of vision care, Prevent Blindness touches the lives of millions of people each year through public and professional education, advocacy, certified vision screenings, community and patient service programs and research.  These services are made possible through the generous support of the American public. Together with a network of affiliates, Prevent Blindness is committed to eliminating preventable blindness in America.  For more information, or to make a contribution to the sight-saving fund, call 1-800-331-2020. Or, visit us on the Web at or

Children’s Vision Massachusetts, supported by Prevent Blindness, is a seventy member coalition of families, professionals from multiple disciplines and affiliations, whose mission is to facilitate the development of a state-wide plan to improve the visual health of children in Massachusetts. To achieve this, the coalition is working to raise awareness and create systems to assure that every child has a vision screening, eye exam, and ongoing treatment if diagnosed with a vision condition.

To join our efforts use #kidsvision #eyehealth #eyesoncapitolhill and spread the word about Children’s Vision Massachusetts. You can also follow us on FacebookTwitterInstagram and LinkedIn

About McCann Health

McCann Health, two-time Network of the Year winner at Cannes Lions Health, and winner of an unprecedented total of three Network of the Year titles from the industry’s top three creative award shows in 2017, is one of the world’s most awarded global healthcare communications companies. McCann Health, consisting of a global creative agency network, a global medical communications network and a global consulting group, specializes in a wide array of professional, consulting and consumer health and wellness practices. McCann Health is part of McCann Worldgroup and the Interpublic Group (NYSE: IPG).

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For more information, contact: Prevent Blindness Northeast Region at 312-363-6037 or [email protected]

Press contact: Name of Affiliate Contact, phone, email

1The Future of Vision: Forecasting the Prevalence and Costs of Vision Problems, Published June 11, 2014. Accessed October 12, 2018.