Helping Children Succeed
We all want children to succeed. But sometimes, children can’t see the path to success, literally, because their vision is blurred or not functioning as well as their better-sighted peers. Young children usually do not complain that it is hard for them to see because they do not know what normal vision is. Often, to an adult, they seem to be doing – and seeing – just fine.
Yet today, 1 in 17 preschoolers and 1 in 4 school-aged children in the U.S. have a vision problem that requires treatment such as eyeglasses to see the blackboard or to read a book. Vision problems are also a critical component of a child’s overall health, development, and well-being. The ability to see clearly affects nearly every action a child will have from birth – observing, reaching, crawling, walking, learning, socializing and playing, to name a few.
Poor vision does not have to be a barrier to a child’s well-being. A small investment in time for vision screening, and following through with an eye exam and recommended treatment from an eye doctor when the child does not pass their vision screening, may improve their quality of life dramatically.
Actions such as frequently rubbing eyes or squinting, complaints such as frequent headaches or nausea, repeated behaviors such as clumsiness or frustration with learning or reading, don’t always mean there is a vision problem, but a simple eye exam from an eye doctor and treatment could be the solution to a host of concerns. In fact, issues that may seem to be a child’s personality traits, likes or dislikes, or learning difficulties could actually be caused or exacerbated as a result of poor vision.
Experiencing life through blurred vision is a challenge for anyone. A child with an undiagnosed or untreated vision disorder relies on us, the caring adults and professionals around them, to recognize and then act to turn this imminently solvable issue into a positive outcome for the child.
With awareness, action, and robust systems in place, together we can do this. Best-corrected vision for every child awaits. Please join us.